Introduction - Container & Virtualization#

Learning objectives#

  • Why do we use containers?

  • What are the various types of virtualization based solutions?

  • How can containers be utilized for neuroscientific applications?


Motivation - Why do we need containers/virtualization?#

Virtualization techniques are means to ensure reproducibility of scietific findings/workflows as well as the facilitation of collaborative research.

The problem statement#

To motivate why utilizing containerization (or any kind of virtualization techniques for that matter) can be beneficial, let’s imagine the following scenario:

Your PI tasks you to do a couple of analyses for a new project. Lucky enough, you learn that one of your colleagues did run comparable analyses in the past and is so nice to share it with you. Even better: everything is assembled in one handy script called Your colleague tells you to run the script via navigating to the respective folder and type:

Amazing, you can relax and let the script do the work as it will just run on your data and computational environment …

Thumbs up computer meme

…Well, unfortunately the script immediately produces errors or does not work on your data/ in your computational environment, such that you are not able to reproduce anything.

Evil laugh

Why did this happen?!

Any ideas?

Each project in a lab depends on complex software environments

  • Operating system

  • Drivers

  • Software dependencies: Python/MATLAB/R + libraries

    • Backwards incompatibility is a major problem in the python ecosystem

  • Adherence to lab-intern standards with regard to data and code organization

Thus, sharing your code or using a repository might not be sufficient to ensure reproducibility and enable collaboration, i.e. because of software version or OS specific conflicts.

We try to avoid

  • “the computer I used was shut down a year ago, can’t rerun the results from my publication…”

  • “the analyses were run by my student, have no idea where and how…”

  • “well, I forgot to mention that you have to use Clang, gcc never worked for me…”

  • “don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t work on Windows…(I actually have no idea about Windows, but won’t say it…)”

  • “it works on my machine…”

  • etc.

it works on my machine

The solution - virtualization techniques#

Well, how can we avoid aforementioned scenarios? This is the point where virtualization comes to the rescue. Virtualization is the process in which a system singular resource like RAM, CPU, Disk, or Networking can be ‘virtualized’ and represented as multiple resources. Thus, one can isolate/encapsulate computing environments or even whole operation systems, while still using the local hardware/resources.
There are Three main types of virtualization, which mainly differ in their level/depth of isolation:

depth of isolation

  • Virtual environments:

    • Virtual environment keeps dependencies, i.e. specific versions of libraries/apps isolated from the system-wide installation

    • allows one to work with specific versions of libraries or Python itself without affecting other projects

    • limited to isolate python binaries and libraries but not the OS itself

Popular choices for the management and creation of virtual environments are:

Conda or python venv

Conda manual

  # Updating conda
  conda update conda
  # List available Python version
  conda search "^python$"
  # Creating a Python 3.6 environment
  conda create -n python3.6_test python=3.6
  # Install directly some packages while creating a new environment
  conda create -n python3.6_anaconda python=3.6 anaconda
  # Installing additional packages
  conda install -n python3.6_test scipy
  # Remove unused packages and caches
  conda clean -tipsy
  # Activating the environment
  source activate python3.6_test
  # Deactivating the environment
  source deactivate python3.6_test
  # Remove conda environment
  conda remove --name python3.6_test --all

python venv manual

python venv manual

  • Containers:

    • Emulate a whole operation system, which is isolated from the host system (including file system etc.)

    • Provide a mechanism to encapsulate environments and virtualized OS in a self-contained unit that can run anywhere, independant of the host OS

    • containers are very lightweight and fast to start up, modify or transfer

    • each container gets its own isolated user space (Docker containers)

  • Virtual Machines (VM’s):

    • emulate whole computer system (software+hardware)

    • run on top of a physical machine using a hypervisor

    • hypervisor shares and manages hardware of the host and executes the guest operating system

    • guest machines are completely isolated and have dedicated resources

    • VM’s are very heavy, difficult to transfer

Virtual machines vs. Container


  • Docker is an open-source platform that allows for building, deploying, and managing applications/research workflows in self-sufficient, portable containers

  • Recent additions to Docker include a straightforward GUI (Graphical User Interface) called Docker Desktop, but Docker is most powerful when making use of the Command-line aka the UNIX Shell.

    • this is also what we’ll be focussing on in this workshop

  • runs on all of the most common OS (i.e. Linux, Mac OS X and Windows)

example workflow using containerization

Docker vs Singularity#


  • docker can escalate privileges, so you can be effectively treated as a root on the host system

  • this is usually not supported or viewed in a positive light by administrators from HPC centers


  • a container solution created for scientific and application driven workloads

  • supports existing and traditional HPC resources

  • a user inside a Singularity container is the same user as outside the container

    • but you can use Vagrant to create a container (you have root privileges on your VM!)

Interesting tutorials and blog posts: