Introduction IIΒΆ

Now we’ll start exploring this thing called β€œthe computer” a bit more, specifically two aspects that might seem adjacent to utilizing python within research workflows but are actually crucial components: CLIs/IDEs and (bash) shell. Don’t worry: this will also entail hands-on programming, just not directly in python. The things covered in this session will introduce central concepts for our subsequent endeavors.

Topics πŸ’‘πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ«ΒΆ

In the following you’ll find the objectives and materials for each of the topics we’ll discuss during this session.

You & your computerΒΆ

How do you interact with your computer? In general, you as a user provide some input that contains a task that your computer should perform in order to obtain a desired outcome. However, there are different ways you can approach this, each with advantages and disadvantages. More precisely this refers to the distinction between GUIs and CLIs. Within this part of the session we’ll discuss both a bit and also talk about different options to utilize programming languages.

Objectives πŸ“ΒΆ

  • Learn about different ways of interacting with computers

  • GUI (Graphical-User-Interface), CLI (Command-Line-Interface), IDEs (Integrated-development-environments)

  • test different options on your machines

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time

Materials πŸ““ΒΆ

The (bash) shellΒΆ

Objectives πŸ“ΒΆ

  • learn basic and efficient usage of the shell for various tasks

    • navigating directories

    • file handling: copy, paste, create, delete

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time

Materials πŸ““ΒΆ

Please download the example dataset provided here.

Please see the rendered version of the jupyter notebookIntroduction II - the (unix) command line: bash in the ToC on the left.

tasks for subsequent meeting πŸ–₯οΈβœπŸ½πŸ“–ΒΆ
