Introduction VIIΒΆ

Within the seventh session we’ll continue to explore the basic building blocks of python, this and the next session will contain exhaustive content aiming to provide you with a somewhat detailed understanding of central python aspects. The aim is to get a good set of basic experience to then advance into more practical aspects, specifically evaluating how these things can be utilized within experiments to collect data and their subsequent analyzes. To nevertheless get some experience on the way, there will be some exercise at the beginning and throughout the session. Additionally, the homework assignments will be made in a way that showcases some tasks that you might most likely encounter in real-life so that you get more practice in conducting them through python.

Topics πŸ’‘πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ«ΒΆ

In the following you’ll find the objectives and materials for each of the topics we’ll discuss during this session.

Introduction to Python - IIΒΆ

This session, we’ll build upon the things learned last week and broader our capabilities in python, focusing on indentation and control flow & structures.

Objectives πŸ“ΒΆ

  • learn about indentation (some form of code structuring)

  • control how our code is executed

    • Conditionals (if - else statements)

    • Iteration (e.g., for-loops, while statements, …)

  • Ask and answer questions

  • Have a great time

Materials πŸ““ΒΆ

Please see the rendered version of the jupyter notebook Introduction VII - Introduction to Python III in the ToC on the left.

tasks for subsequent meeting πŸ–₯οΈβœπŸ½πŸ“–ΒΆ

Prepare PsychoPy installationΒΆ

Also, in preparation for our switch to more applied things, i.e. starting with experiments in python. We’ll have to install psychopy. To do that please download the programm from here and follow the instructions for your specific operating system. If you encounter any Problems, please let me know!

Homework assignment #5ΒΆ

Your fifth homework assignment will entail working through a few tasks covering the contents discussed in this session within a jupyter notebook. You can download it here. In order to open it, put the homework assignment notebook within the folder you stored the course materials in, start a jupyter notebook server as during the sessions, navigate to the homework assignment notebook, open it and have fun! NB: a substantial part of it will be optional and thus the notebook will look way longer than it actually is.

Deadline: 15/01/2023, 11:59 PM EST

optional/reading/further materialsΒΆ